Monday, May 16, 2011

Book Review - I Was I Am How to Move Beyond Your Past To Create an Extraordinary Life by Allison Tammy Moore

Book Details:

I Was I Am How to Move Beyond Your Past To Create an Extraordinary Life  

by Allison Tammy Moore

Paperback: 266 pages
Publisher:   Allison T Moore (July 15, 2010) 
ISBN-10: 1450710166
ISBN-13: 978-1450710169
Genre:  Self-Help Memoir
Source: Pump Up Your Book

About Allison Moore

Allison Tammy Moore’s own rise from being labeled a habitual offender to prominence deems her an expert on personal success. Born to teenage parents and ending up being adopted, Allison lived a life plagued with abuse, addiction and crime. With a criminal history, low self esteem and no one to guide her, Allison went to prison and developed her own method of recovery by redefining success. Through persistence and determination, this ex-offender to extraordinary woman, immediately used her past to fuel her passions, became a published author, speaker and entrepreneur. She is dedicated to help educate people to new levels of involvement in the lives of ex-inmates, victims, and their families. Often being called “Joseph”, after Joseph in the Bible, Allison is known as an over comer and inspires all she comes in contact with.

Allison Moore is Co-Founder of Meet Her At The Gate, an organization devoted to assist women exiting prison. Allison is also the author or several magazine articles and her first book entitled: I Was I Am….How to Move Beyond Your Past to Create an Extraordinary Life.

She is the wife of Quadir Moore, Founder of Meet Her At The Gate. Their work in the ministry is built upon the scripture Psalm 16:11: You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. The Moore’s are honored to be the parents of three children, Kahlil, Jayda and Taahir.

You can visit her website at

About I Was I Am

I Was I Am: How To Move Beyond Your Past To Create An Extraordinary Life 

One of the most difficult things for ex-offenders to accomplish when they are released from prison is finding employment and becoming a productive member of society. For many, the stigma of a criminal record is just too much to overcome. For others, like Allison, it is a matter of viewing obstacles as an opportunity. “I Was I Am…How to Move beyond Your Past to Create an Extraordinary Life” (, a book by motivational speaker, author and ex-inmate Allison Moore, provides an account of her prison experience as the catalyst for change and guidelines for those who struggle with being hindered by their past.

Moore wrote, “I Was I Am…How to Move beyond Your Past to Create an Extraordinary Life” (Allison T Moore Publishing, July 2010, $14.99) not just for individuals with a criminal record or who have been incarcerated, but for those who have past experiences that prevent them from living a full life. The book draws from her experiences in order to educate readers on the reality of the prison sentence, the lack of support systems and the perils of living a life unmanageable. Whether it is a physical prison experience or a prison in mental capacity, she shares her beliefs on how to become free. Her memoir is scheduled to be released on July 20, 2010.

Allison Tammy Moore’s own rise from being labeled a habitual offender to prominence deems her an expert on personal success. Allison went to prison and developed her own method of recovery by redefining success. Through persistence and determination, this ex-offender to extraordinary woman, immediately used her past to fuel her passions, became a published author, speaker and entrepreneur. She is dedicated to help educate people to new levels of involvement in the lives of ex-inmates, victims, and their families “I decided to share my experiences in the hope that my book will help readers remove the limitations to being successful” she says.

Read the Excerpt  Here

My Review:
I Was I Am was such a powerful book.   Sometimes people do things they regret and they have trouble getting through it.  Allison Moore writes about her life and how she overcame events that happened and made herself a better person.
"Hope is in your story; you just have to re-write it.  There is nothing too hard for God.  He did it for me and He will do it for you, you just have to believe.  "It is finished" Jesus said." (p.10)
Allison Moore did not have an easy life to begin with. She was put up for adoption. Her parents were young, and her father didn't even tell his parents about her because he was afraid.   Her grandmother was also pregnant and she just didn't have time to take care of another baby, so this one had to go. The people that adopted Allison were in their 50's and had so many kids--to many to even handle.  They had strange ways of punishment too.

Allison did everything in her life to try to fit in and get people to like her. She always acted like everything was okay, even though it really wasn't.  Little did anyone know, that she had an addiction. That addiction eventually led her to prison.  Her time in prison helped her to see who she really was.

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time.  We are the ones we've been waiting for.  We are the change that we seek."  Barack Obama (p.152)
"For the first time I realized that everything that happened to me since birth was all a part of Gods master plan for my life.  As I reflected on all my past experiences, each held new meaning. (p. 193)
 I was really moved by this book.  Despite all of the things that Allison had to go through in her life, she came out a better person.  I highly recommend this book.
My rating
5/5 diamonds
Highly Recommend!
Disclaimer: I was not compensated for my review. My thoughts on this book were in no way influenced by the author or publicist. They are my personal reflections based solely on MY experience while reading this novel.

 © 2011, Cheryl of Black Diamond's Book Reviews. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Black Diamond's Book ReviewsUrban Image Magazine, or Cheryl's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see that she overcame all the obstacles and hardships in her life to make a success of herself!!!
