Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Book Review - Pulpit Confessions by Peron F. Long

Pulpit Confessions by Peron F. Long
Book Details:
Source:  sent to me by Peron F. Long for review
e-book can be purchased at for $1.99!

About The Book:

Pulpit Confessions is the story of Raymond Sr., Ruth, Raymond Jr., Katherine and Anthony Miller, the leaders of The Spiritual Dynasty  God’s Deliverance Ministries.  For the past thirty years, God’s Deliverance has become a powerful spiritually based organization well known throughout the world.  Bishop Raymond Miller Jr., his wife Katherine, along with his mother Ruth, younger brother Anthony and father Raymond Sr., who now suffers from dementia, are seen by the world as God's chosen family.  But there are secrets within this family that could eventually destroy them all.

When Katherine becomes tired of her lonely nights without Raymond Jr. to provide the love and physical desires she craves, she finds herself attracted to Kevin Taylor, a coach at the school where she is the principal.  After discovering that Raymond Jr. has been having an affair for the past two years with his assistant, Janaé Young, who is also the faux girlfriend to younger brother Anthony, her desires to be with Kevin becomes a reality.

When Janaé becomes pregnant, Raymond, who was encouraged by his mother Ruth, asks Anthony to marry her.  Although Anthony has a secret attraction towards her, he reluctantly accepts Raymond's request.

This is a story of family deceit that leads to corruption and murder, and one person's plot to take complete control.  All Hell will definitely break loose, when Bishop Raymond Miller Jr.’s Pulpit Confessions are revealed.

Read excerpt:  HERE

About the Author

Péron Long resides in Rock Hill, SC. Since college Péron has worked mostly in the field of Social Services, and currently works at a facility for juvenile sex offenders. Péron has also worked in the film industry as a production assistant where he was given the opportunity to work with some of Hollywood's greatest actors such as Ruby Dee, Richard Roundtree, Diahann Carroll and Lonette McKee, just to name a few.

Péron has four published titles, two with Urban Renasaince Books (Kensington). LIVIN' AIN'T EASY and THE FIRST PERSON. He has recently completed his next title A LIE DON'T CARE... WHO TELL IT!!! He is currently working on the much anticipated sequel to THE FIRST PERSON, THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS.

My Review:
I loved the cover of this book!  It's definitely different than the usual book with the man and half-naked woman on the front.  When I looked at the cover close, I thought the man on the cover looked familiar!  What do you think of the cover?
Raymond Miller, Jr. was the Bishop of God's Deliverance Ministries.  He had to take over for his father, Raymond Miller,Sr. because he wasn't quite "with it" anymore.  He had a crazy ass mom named Ruth.  She planned everything for him, even his marriage.  Raymond, Jr. liked to fool around on his wife Katherine, and his mom covered up for him.    
Katherine is Raymond, Jr.'s wife, and she was getting tired of the crap.  Raymond, Jr. hadn't touched her in 2 years and claimed that he was working late all the time.  One day she wasn't feeling good, and her monster-in-law Ruth didn't believe her and wanted Katherine to meet her at her office.  Well, she found out Katherine wasn't lying when she threw up.  Ruth was one of those characters that just made my blood boil.  If she was in my presence, I swear I would have wanted to smack her!
Raymond, Jr.'s brother Anthony didn't feel like he was as good as his brother Raymond, Jr.  He felt like his parents didn't love him as much as his brother.  He and Janae were expecting a baby, but why wasn't Anthony happy?
I was totally shocked when I found out what was in the yellow envelope!  Also, when Raymond, Jr. was introduced to Leslie, my jaw dropped!  I was not expecting that at all.
Pulpit Confessions was one of those books that was hard to put down.  It had a great plot, and many surprises to keep you entertained throughout the entire book. It had those characters, like Ruth, who you just hate and wished the worst for them, and the same thing for Raymond, Jr., and then Katherine who you felt sorry for.  Peron F. Long is an amazing writer, and I look forward to reading more from him!

  My Rating: 5/5 diamonds - Loved it and highly recommend!

Contact Peron F. Long:
Disclaimer: I was not compensated for my review. My thoughts on this book were in no way influenced by the author or publicist. They are my personal reflections based solely on MY experience while reading this novel.

 © 2011, Cheryl of Black Diamond's Book Reviews. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Black Diamond's Book ReviewsUrban Image Magazine, or Cheryl's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. dag, you done went and stir up memories. I'm ready to read this again.

  2. There isn't a cover on your post......sounds like a good read!

  3. The first picture is the cover of the book. It's the author, Peron F. Long in the picture!
