Saturday, September 24, 2011

Meeting Author Shaka Senghor on 8/27/11 - Posted September 24, 2011

I went to the Fame Shop grand opening and met author Shaka Senghor.  I already read his book Crack Volume 1, but I bought a signed copy.  I also bought a signed copy of Crack Volume 2 which I haven't read yet.

It was so awesome meeting Shaka and his fiancee' Ebony.  I had so much fun!  I told Shaka I would help out since they were giving away food.  I asked what I can do to help after I got there.  They said their face painter wasn't there yet and I could paint faces.  I have never done that before, but I said I could try!  I had so much fun painting the faces of children and some adults!  I'm not a real artist, but the kids had a lot of fun which was the main goal!

Me and Shaka!
He is such an inspiration to the City of Detroit!  He is trying to make such a difference in the lives of his community members!
I also met his fiancee Ebony.  She is such a sweet person and soon to be a new mother!
At this event, I also finally  got to meet my facebook/blogging friend Orsayor Simmons for the first time! She is such a sweet person.  When I saw and talked to her, I really felt like I had known her for a long time and didn't just meet her.  I mean, we've talked back and forth on facebook and chat and e-mail, but seeing her in person was awesome!
And look at the books that she gave me (and this cool tote!)
Life Beyond Measure: Letters to My Great-Granddaughter by Sidney Poitier
uncharted terriTORI by Tori Spelling
A Taste of Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul 2 by Carol Kline
Here are some more pictures from the event:

My girls and one of the children whose face I pained who is in the middle!

Me painting faces!

Fame Shop 1st Annual Joy Day
You Tube Video (done by a professional)

Here is the video that my 9 year old Meredith took. I just took clips from the videos and Flip Video did the rest! I had to cut out the parts where you could see the ground and the sky, etc. LOL!

© 2011, Cheryl of Black Diamond's Book Reviews. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Black Diamond's Book Reviews, Urban Image Magazine, or Cheryl's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission

First Lines Friday - September 23, 2011

This is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie of Precision Reviews. Here is what you do:
  • Grab your current read(s).
  • Share the first line(s).
  • Include the title and author so that other FLF participants can add the book to their TBR Lists.

"Yelling at living things does tend to kill the spirit in them.  Sticks and stones may break
our bones, but words will break our hearts.....- Robert Fulghum

"Most of us are aware that name calling is verballly abusive.  If you have been called idiot, dummy, bitch or any other derogatory name, you have been verbally abused."

© 2011, Cheryl of Black Diamond's Book Reviews. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Black Diamond's Book ReviewsUrban Image Magazine, or Cheryl's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.

Teaser Tuesday - September 20, 2011

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.   Anyone can play along!
Grab your current read Let the book fall open to a random page Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12. You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!

*** Do NOT post anything that could spoil the plot of the book!!! ***

If your sentences that fall between lines 7 and 12 on the page you turn to give too much away, choose a different page, or a different spot on the page… we don’t want to ruin any surprises for anyone!

My current read is: Beautiful by Kiexiza Rodriquez

Random Page #: (Kindle loc. 1085-90)

Two sentences:
"The Lord speaks to each one of us in different ways.  He may use your mother, your sister, your child, or even your boss.  He might even use an unbeliever.  God never said his messages would come in nicely wrapped packages from your pastor," the pastor could be heard saying from inside the packed church.  "God doesn't do things the way WE want them done.  He does things the way we NEED them done, so he can get out of us what holds us back, what keeps us from him.  He wants to help us reach the next level. He sends us what we need, when we need it, in HIS time.  We are on his schedule, not the other way around.

Okay, this was more than two sentences, but I have been going through so much and this really stood out to me.  I have been praying a lot for things happening in my life and have had so much support from family and friends.  I will keep praying and I know God will answer my prayers when and how he sees fit.

© 2011, Cheryl of Black Diamond's Book Reviews. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Black Diamond's Book Reviews, Urban Image Magazine, or Cheryl's feed, be aware that this post

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mailbox Monday and It's Monday What Are You Reading - September 19, 2011

~Mailbox Monday~
Hosted this month by

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week (checked out library books don’t count, eBooks and audio books do). Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists!

Okay, I realize it's already Wednesday, but oh well!  I know, I said the same thing the last time I did this post.   I haven't been blogging like I would like to be, but I am determined that I am going to get back on track.  I've been going through some personal issues, but I have faith that I will get through it and become a better person!

Here is what I got:
Will be doing a post about this event!
I met Shaka and bought Crack Volume 1 and Crack Volume 2 - signed by Shaka!
I also met his fiancee Ebony
At this event, I got to meet my facebook/blogging friend Orsayor Simmons for the first time:
She gave me these books and this cool tote:
Life Beyond Measure: Letters to My Great-Granddaughter by Sidney Poitier
uncharted terriTORI by Tori Spelling

I received 4 signed copies of Beautiful by Kiexiza Rodriquez
I entered a contest where I had to name what was in the envelope in the story, and she picked what I wrote.  What was it?  You will have to read the story to find out.  My review is coming soon!
She also sent me a very cute t-shirt!
We discuss the books that we've read and what we're planning to read for the week.
Book Reviews/Posts Last Week:

 12          Commune of Women by Suzan Still (Pump Up Your Book Tour)

Currently Reading:

Read and Need to Review:
Up Next to Read:

© 2011, Cheryl of Black Diamond's Book Reviews. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Black Diamond's Book Reviews, Urban Image Magazine, or Cheryl's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week With An Author - Hope Lynette - Giveaway Winner of Tha Bottom Line - September 19, 2011

Title:  Tha Bottom Line
Author:  Hope Lynette
Paperback: 156 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (August 7, 2011)
Source: Hope Lynette

I know I was supposed to draw a winner on September 7, but things got very busy.  My father-in-law passed away and there have been other personal issues that I've been dealing with on top of that.

Okay, on with the winner.  There were 9 people that entered of which 7 are followers so they each got 2 entries, for a total of 16 entries.  The winner was number 3 which is Patsy Hagen.

Congratulations Patsy!  I will be notifying you by e-mail!

© 2011, Cheryl of Black Diamond's Book Reviews. All Rights Reserved. If you are reading this on a site other than, Black Diamond's Book Reviews, Urban Image Magazine, or Cheryl's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Review - Commune of Women by Suzan Still - Pump Up Your Book Tour - September 12, 2011

About the Book:

What happens when ordinary citizens, going about their daily plans, suddenly encounter their worst nightmare? That is a question the women of Commune of Women are about to answer.

On an ordinary Los Angeles morning, seven women converge upon LAX for various purposes. Suddenly, in the midst of the crowded terminal, disaster strikes. Each woman spies her only chance at survival and races into the tiny staff room that is to be her home for the next four days. By the first night, they have rudimentary knowledge of one another: Sophia is a powerful, 60-ish woman who is unaccountably adept at the arts of survival; Pearl, an ancient bag lady, part-Black, part-Choctaw, is resourceful and unafraid; Erika , a top executive, has had her business trip cut short by a bullet in the shoulder; Heddi, a Jungian analyst already stressed by marital problems, knows she must use her psychological skills to help the others; Betty, an overweight, histrionic, 50-ish housewife, can’t stand the sight of blood or the thought of how she’s driven her entire family away; and Ondine, a sylph-like, 40ish artist, wealthy, unhappy and neurotic, has inherited a home in France. For four days, united by their common will to survive, the women learn to cooperate and to both entertain and sustain themselves by telling their life stories, which grow darker and more intimate as the days pass.

Meanwhile, Najat, the sole female among her group, the Brothers, has been abandoned by her male companions in a control room with a bank of monitors giving a view of the entire terminal and of televised rescue efforts, where she struggles between her own conscience and the dictates of her group.

My Review:

One seemingly normal day at the airport turns into a not so normal event.  Chaos and gunfire at the airport causes six women to run for cover to the breakroom of the LAX airport.  Two of the women are wounded.   The women all come together and end up telling stories of their lives in the midst of all of the things going on.

I liked that Suzan Still defined each character by putting their name as a header while they tell their story.  You will go from one character to the next as you listen to their stories.  The writing is very detailed.   I loved the whole idea of the story.  You just never know, one day you could be doing something ordinary like going to the airport and you could be put with a bunch of women that you don't even know and end up telling more to them about your life than you would even expect.

At first I had trouble getting into the book and trying to remember who was who.  What have been really cool would be to have a picture of each woman maybe at the beginning of the book just so you could connected a face with the character.  I know when you read you are supposed to form each character in your mind, but it just would have been helpful.  I could really see this book being made into a movie!

My Rating :  
Commune of Women
Author:  Suzan Still
Published July 16th 2011 by Fiction Std
ISBN: 1936558165 (ISBN13: 9781936558162)
Number of pages: 350

About Suzan Still:

Suzan Still holds a masters in art and writing and a doctorate in depth psychology. A retired university professor, she also taught creative writing in a men’s prison, where she became increasingly concerned with issues of social disenfranchisement. She lives in the foothills of California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains with her husband and an assortment of rescued fur children.

You can visit Suzan at

Disclaimer:Thank you to Tracee at  Pump Up Your Book Tours for sending me a review copy. I was not compensated for my review. My thoughts on this book were in no way influenced by the author or publicist.They are my personal reflections based solely on MYexperience while reading this novel.
© 2011, Cheryl of Black Diamond’s Book Reviews. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than Black Diamond's Book ReviewsUrban Image Magazine, or Cheryl’s feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

blackdiamondsbookreviews' photostream


Victoria Christopher Murray's Booksigning!

I was so excited to meet one of my favorite authors, Victoria Christopher Murray!  I was so excited in fact, that I actually was nervous and shaky when I was walking into the bookstore in Lansing!

I was so excited that she recognized me and gave me a hug!  I also met a new facebook friend too!

I read her book The Deal, The Dance and the Devil as well as her book on  I am actually a character in this book which is so cool!  I am Jasmine's cousin that was reading a book at a wedding. Obviously Victoria things I read all the time.  I don't know why she would think that! LOL!  Maybe because I always have a book in my pictures!

I haven't been reading as much lately and I really miss it.  I haven't been blogging as much either.  I should have been reading tonight but I spent....well....lets just say a long time......just surfing the net and listening to music really loud.  My girls are at their grandparents' house tonight so I am home alone and loving it!

If you haven't read any of Victoria's books, you really should.  She is a great person and great author!

Cheryl of Black Diamond's Book Reviews

Friday, September 9, 2011

Week With An Author - Carolyn Moncel - Week Overview & Giveaway - September 9, 2011

In case you missed anything that happened this week, here is the overview of the week with Carolyn Moncel:

Sunday:  Coming This Week – Week With An Author – Carolyn Moncel (Book: 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover – A Novella and Other Short Stories)

Monday:  Week With An Author – Carolyn Moncel – Review of 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover – A Collection of Short Stories – September 5, 2011

Tuesday:  Week With An Author – Carolyn Moncel – Excerpt from 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover – September 6, 2011

Wednesday: Week With An Author – Carolyn Moncel – Interview – September 7, 2011

Thursday:  Week With An Author – Carolyn Moncel – Biography – September 8, 2011

Friday:   Week With An Author – Carolyn Moncel – Week Overview & Giveaway – September 9, 2011

Thank you Carolyn Moncel!

I would like to thank you for being a part of Week With An Author! It was nice to find out more about you!  Your interview was so interesting, and I feel like I really got to know you a lot better!  I am glad that I got to spotlight you on my blog for a whole week!

I enjoyed 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover and look forward to more of your books!

If anyone has interest in being a part of Week With An Author, please contact me!

How to Contact her:

Her website at:

Email her at:

Follow her on Facebook:

Join the 5 Reasons Fan Page:

Join the Encounters in Paris Fan Page:

Follow me her Twitter:

Buy the book at:

Today you have your chance to enter to win a copy of 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover by Carolyn Moncel.    All you have to do is fill out the form to have your chance to win.  You will get an extra entry if you follow my blog.

I will keep the giveaway open for one week.

The winner will be drawn on September 16.

Good Luck!

© 2011, Cheryl of Black Diamond's Book Reviews. All Rights Reserved. If you are reading this on a site other than, Black Diamond's Book Reviews, Urban Image Magazine, or Cheryl's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Week With An Author - Carolyn Moncel - Biography - September 8, 2011

Biography – Carolyn Moncel

A virtual media and web consultant by day and author by night, Carolyn Davenport-Moncel moved to Paris from Chicago, her hometown, in 2001. In Paris, she started the first English-speaking Virtual Assistance firm.  Known for her online articles on media relations, Moncel owns MotionTemps, LLC (, a Digital Project and Web Content Management firm with offices in Chicago, Paris and Geneva; and its subsidiary, Mondavé Communications (, a media relations training and publishing company.  She has written, placed articles and been featured in such diverse publications as,, Chicago Tribune, Forbes, Wired News, International Herald Tribune, Wall Street Journal, Working Mother, Bonjour Paris, and  Author of Encounters in Paris – A Collection of Short Stories, Carolyn currently resides in Lausanne, Switzerland with her husband and two daughters.  Her latest work is called 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover—A Novella and Other Short Stories.   Her next collection of short stories, Encounters in Chicago – A Collection of Short Stories will debut in fall 2012.  Discover her other works at

Visit my website at:

Email me at:

Follow me on Facebook:

Join the 5 Reasons Fan Page:

Join the Encounters in Paris Fan Page:

Follow me on Twitter:

Make sure to stop by tomorrow for the Week Overview and GIVEAWAY!!!

© 2011, Cheryl of Black Diamonds Book Reviews  . All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, , Urban Image Magazine, or Cheryl's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Week With An Author - Carolyn Moncel - Interview - September 7, 2011

WEEK WITH AN AUTHOR - Carolyn Moncel!

I am happy to have Carolyn Moncel, author of 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover, on Black Diamond's Book Reviews for the entire week!

I am also glad to share my interview with her today!

Carolyn Moncel Interview

About Your Book:

5 Reasons to Leave a Lover – A Novella and Other Short Stories:

How did you come up with the title?

CDM: I have told this story before but it is true. One day I was walking down the street in Lausanne and I heard Paul Simon’s song, “50 Ways to Leave a Lover,” blasting from someone’s care radio. I thought, “That song only gets it half right: there are many ways to leave a lover but the reasons for leaving in the first place are pretty finite. A person leaves (voluntary or involuntary) because circumstances make it impossible to stay. The most notable reasons are deceit, infidelity, abuse, indifference and death. All five of these reasons are represented in the book; three are found in the novella and one in each short story.

Is there a message in the book that you want readers to get?

CDM: Relationships cannot be taken for granted because you never know how long they will last.

Are any parts of 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover – A Novella and Other Short Stories realistic?

CDM: It’s a very realistic collection but not necessarily based on my personal life. I take my inspiration from everywhere -- including the media, stories that I have heard from friends, even situations that I have observed. For example, former North Carolina governor Mark Sanford’s story was a huge inspiration, especially the idea that his Argentinian mistress was his soul mate. Also Paris is a great place to people watch. A lot of this collection is based on a conversation that I overheard between two strangers. Apparently, the man had just learned of his wife’s infidelity and he wanted everyone in that restaurant to know about it!

Did you have a favorite character in 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover – A Novella and Other Short Stories, and why did you like that character?

CDM: Despite his very bad behavior at times, I have to say that I still have a crush on Julien. He is not based on my husband at all, but the way that Julien speaks and rationalizes his decisions is quintessentially French. When I first arrived in France, one of the first things that I noticed was the French seem to have three responses to almost any situation: 1) No; 2) Impossible; and 3) It’s not my fault! The last is my favorite because it is used the most! There is a passage in the novella where Ellery must confront Julien. They are sitting in beautiful Parc Monceau and Ellery says something to the effect, “I will not love you again, Julien.” Julien’s response, “I don’t believe you because ‘will’ implies that you ‘could’ if you wanted to.” When I read that aloud to one of my French friends, she laughed so hard. She said, “Now, that is a spot on response from a French guy.”

My other favorite character is Lola Sanchez. Her appearance in this novella is small but impactful. Readers will get better acquainted with her soon in my first novel, Geneva Nights. Half French and Spanish, she is Ellery’s best friend in Paris, and she is so feisty. I will not reveal who it is, but she is based upon a real friend from Chicago. She’s one of those "ride or die" girlfriends. These girlfriends are the type of women who will rush to your side, in the middle of the night carrying a pint of ice cream, tissues and a crowbar! They also are the women who will be there for you when your boyfriend breaks up with you, or you lose your job, or when your husband leaves! While experiencing heartbreak, every girl needs a friend like Lola!

If 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover – A Novella and Other Short Stories had a theme song, what would it be and why?

CDM: Well, it already does but there are so many perfect songs! In the beginning of the book, I quote some lyrics from a Ryan Adams song, “Everybody Knows.” When I was writing this book, I was listening to a lot of alt country music. The Wreckers song, ‘Leave the Pieces When You Go,” comes to mind and was so appropriate for Ellery. “It’s all right, Yeah, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about this heart of mine. Just take your love and hit the road!’ Julien’s perfect theme song is the acoustic version of “9 Crimes” by Damien Rice. If I were to put an old school soul twist on it, Gladys Knight’s “I Don’t Want to Do Wrong,” is also fitting. Also Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes’ “The Love I Lost.” Repeatedly while writing, I remember hearing in my head the line, “We loved each other; we just couldn’t get along.”

About Writing In General:

How do you begin writing a book? Do you start with an outline? Do you hand write anything or type it out?

CDM: I start out as a true “pantser.” Different parts of stories come to mind. I write them all down and then I turn into a “plotter.” I begin the hard work of figuring out what parts actually can work together. I edit the work to refine the story. I pass it out to friends to get feedback and make corrections. Once I have what I think is the final draft, I send the manuscript to my editor. Often I set aside the current manuscript for a few days so I can think about the changes clearly. Then, I read the manuscript again, make more corrections until I am happy. I send the manuscript back to the editor so she can proofread it one last time. I also send a copy back to friends to do the same. I incorporate any final changes needed. From there I send to the publisher. My inspiration comes from everywhere and as a result I have both handwritten notes as well as files on the computer. I have been known to write on anything, including the back of my children’s report cards, napkins and credit card statements.

Do you have a certain writing style?

CDM: I am realist to be sure. I really believe in presenting the world as I see it. I think the real world can present situations that are every bit as compelling as a fantasy world. I enjoy examining complex relationships. I like making my readers think because there are always lessons to be learned. However, I am not preachy or judgmental. I like creating empathetic characters, people for which readers easily can identify with their circumstances.

Being in Europe has definitely had an influence on my style of writing in that I don’t necessarily believe stories have to end happily. Nor do I believe stories must always have a definitive conclusion. I worry about this last point at times. I never want my readers to think that the open-ended conclusion is a deliberate attempt at using a cliffhanger as a literary device because actually, it’s not. To me, life can be messy, extremely complicated, and the answers to our problems don’t always present themselves in neat little packages. Sometimes there is never a satisfactory answer to life’s trickier questions and that’s okay.

Are any of your books based on things that you have experienced in your life or the life of someone you know?

CDM: In the first collection of short stories, Encounters in Paris, there are two stories that are based on real life. “A Haunting in Courbevoie” is based on what happened when my own mother passed away a few years ago. The story, “Some Birds of a Feather,” is based on two real pigeons that have set up a home on my kitchen window sill here in Lausanne. In 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover, the short story, “Or, Maybe Just Leave, Steve,” is based on a couple my husband and I knew back in Chicago. They were about to break up and they had to decide how to divide up their possessions. This story is told from the point of view of one of those possessions.

Do you have any rituals that you use when you are writing or a certain place you go to get inspired?

CDM: I don’t have any rituals however, I do find that it is incredibly easy for me to write on trains. Because of my day job, I am constantly crossing Switzerland by train for meetings. Just traveling from Lausanne to Zurich takes two hours so the commute provides me with a lot of free time, and I often use it in order to write.

How many books have you written?

CDM: I have written two books so far. The first book was called Encounters in Paris – A Collection of Short Stories which was published in 2010. If readers want to better understand my character Ellery Roulet that is a good place to start because it is here that readers are introduced to her through five connected short stories. The first story in the collection, “Pandora’s Box Revisited,” is the precursor to the novella in my current collection, 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover.

Did you have to do much research when writing your books? If so, do you tend to write first or research first?

CDM: Yes and no. Incidences of infidelity, which is the primary focus of the novella, were all around. All I had to do was read the tabloid news! A radio host in Canada was interviewing me for Encounters in Paris and she stated it perfectly when she said, ‘If you live long enough either you have done it or it has been done to you,’ and that is what makes these stories so universal. Whether it was due to infidelity or not, we all have had relationships go horribly wrong. We’ve all known love and loss.

Do you consider the work as a whole or any of the stories true love stories?

CDM: Yes, of all the stories presented the last short story, “Or, Maybe in Death, Beth,” is my favorite because it's a true love story. I've been married for nearly 15 years and I know we’ve had our ups and downs. As part of my research on this book, I've met couples who have been committed for more than 40 or 50 years. This story shows how a relationship can endure for a lifetime. It's the perfect bookend to the love triangle that plays out in the novella because a love like Herman and Beth's makes Ellery and Julien's marital problems almost seem trivial by comparison. During my interview one woman told me that her and her husband had been through everything together and had weathered the storms. She said ‘When you get as old as we are and death is near, you are not thinking about who cheated on whom. It’s more about did you really enjoy one another while you still had the chance. Everything else is irrelevant.’

Some would argue that this point of view makes sense because women of that generation had limited opportunities so leaving was not an option for them. Women of today can leave any time they want but that doesn’t make the decision to do so any easier. This story still makes you wonder if today's society gives up too soon on the marital institution. Other stories in the book make us question whether or not we stay too long in bad relationships. How do you find ways of truly loving someone when you know eventually they will disappoint or even hurt you deeply. These are some of the topics I try to explore throughout the work. If they could grow up and find a way to reach common ground, maybe someday Ellery and Julien could have a love like Herman and Beth's. However, that remains to be seen.

About Your Reading:

Are you reading anything right now?

CDM: I am reading some fantastic books right now: Silver Sparrow by Tayari Jones; 32 Candles by Ernessa T. Carter; and the short story collection, Before You Suffocate Your Fool Self by Danielle Evans. I just finished a terrific book called Husband and Wives by Leah Stewart and I am awe of the talent that each of these ladies possess.

What are some of your favorite books and authors?

CDM: Another Country by James Baldwin. I first read it when I was 19 and it was the book that fueled my dreams of visiting Paris some day. This is one of the few books that I have read multiple times. I try to read it again every ten years because each time that I do, I understand the book a little differently. This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald, I also love On Beauty by Zadie Smith and the Human Stain by Philip Roth.

Has writing your own book changed the way that you read?

CDM: Now, I realize how hard it is to write. I pay a lot more attention to the literary devices used in order to better understand them in action and to continue improving my own writing.

Are you able to read when you’re writing and if so what books inspire you when you’re working on a novel?

CDM: Absolutely, but I will not read anything closely related to my own work because I don’t want to be influenced subconsciously. For instance, while writing my books, I read a lot of political nonfiction and historical biographies. Even before I started writing fiction, my consulting work requires me to write all the time. This is when I will read a great deal of fiction because it opens my mind and allows me to write easier.

Personal Information:

If you have to describe yourself with one word, what would it be?

CDM: Eclectic. I like a lot of different things. It’s dangerous to look at me and make assumptions about my tastes because most people would be mistaken!

You have lived in a variety of places from Chicago to Paris to Switzerland. What is it like in Paris and Switzerland? Which is your favorite?

CDM: I call Chicago my home city; Paris my adopted city and Lausanne my host city and each place remains special for me.

Chicago is my home and that will ALWAYS be the case. Next to President Obama and actor John Cusack, I am probably the city’s greatest ambassador because everyone I meet in Europe knows I am a proud Chicagoan! It is equally tough and beautiful to live.

Paris, hands down, is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. There is always something to do. The first time I visited Paris was in 1997. My husband and I had come to France for Christmas in order to visit his family in Lyon. We took a side trip to Paris for a couple of days and it was so perfect. What many tourists don’t realize is the best times in which to visit Paris is around the New Year and in the month of August because the city is virtually empty. We got a chance to enjoy the city alone; it was snowing hard (a fairly rare occurrence); lights were twinkling everywhere; and it was really romantic. However, fast forward five years and I learned that visiting the city and actually living there were two very different things. By the time I arrived there to live in 2001, I had two very small children (ages 5 and two weeks), a dog and cat, and I felt really lost. I didn’t speak French and it was really hard to adjust. My five-year-old daughter was my pocket interpreter! After about six months, I started to find my way, and I knew my way around the city better than my husband. I enjoyed living there a great deal by the time I left. On the days when I was ready to leave, I would wake up and see a beautiful pink sunrise and think, “Nope, I can stay another day!”

We moved to Lausanne, Switzerland in 2007 because my husband’s job transfer. This time the transition from France to Switzerland was much easier because I knew what to expect. Lausanne is like the Swiss San Francisco. It is funky and has an interesting vibe for such a small city. It is environmentally beautiful and green. It is a great place to raise children because it so safe. However, it is so expensive to live here and at times, a little too quiet for my big city tastes.

What is a typical day in your life like?

CDM: Most days are pretty chaotic. I get my girls up and out the door for school. I hit the gym for an hour. What I do the rest of the day depends on the day. I own my consulting firm so three days out of the week, I work from my home office. The other two days I write. I pick up my girls in the afternoons, help with homework and get dinner done. Then I try to unwind a little by watching TV with my family. I read a lot before going to bed. The weekends are reserved for shopping and just hanging out. I think the stress also comes from the fact that everything closes so early in Europe. Stores shut their doors by 7 pm weekdays and 5 pm on Saturdays. Stores are closed on Sunday. I totally miss shopping at a super K-mart at midnight!

What three artists would I find in your IPod or CD player?

CDM: Because I am a indie rock chick at heart, I have Phoenix, Foster the People and Yo La Tengo in my IPod. However, I also have Sade, Luther Vandross, Jill Scott, and The Roots in there too. It is a very weird and eclectic mix that matches my ever-changing moods!

If I came to your home and looked in your refrigerator what would I find?

CDM: Liters of Coke Zero. I cannot survive without caffeine.

What is one food item that you can’t live without?

CDM: Pop Tarts (Unfrosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon). Unfortunately, Pop Tarts do not exist in France or Switzerland so my family and friends send me regular care packages.

What is your favorite color?

CDM: Green

What do you like to do when you are not writing (hobbies, etc.)?

CDM: I love shopping for all types of music. I love looking for vinyl records and also downloading great music as well. I love reading. I can spend the entire day in a book store or library. I like traveling but I hate preparing to travel. I spend a crazy amount of time on my computer. I also spend a lot of time working on my family genealogy. I love baseball. Once while living in Paris in 2005, I missed baseball so much that my husband found the only dive bar in town that was transmitting the World Series between my beloved Chicago White Sox and the Houston Astros over satellite. There we were, watching the game at 2 am in a South African bar with the Paris baseball team, comprised of players from Canada and Australia!

What is the one thing about yourself that others would be shocked to know?

CDM: That I slept in the bed with my mother until I was 17 and almost ready to leave for college! There, I said it and no, I am not ashamed of myself! lol I had my own bedroom but I just refused to sleep there unless I was having a sleep over. Then one day I realized I really needed my privacy and my room became my sanctuary. So people can well imagine how shocking it was for someone like me to suddenly leave my family and set up a home 4,000 miles away in another country.

What is next for you in 2011?

CDM: I am working on a project called Geneva Nights which will be my first real novel. Everyone thinks of Geneva, Switzerland as being a very quiet and calm place. There is a dark side, too. I want to explore some of those elements. It will be the last time (for a while) that Ellery Roulet appears and some new characters will emerge. I am also working on a new collection as part of the Encounters in Chicago series. All that I can say about this project is that there are five stories that are set in a neighborhood pharmacy and affect four generations of women. Two non-fiction projects are pending as well.

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Thank you very much for taking the time out to answer my interview questions!

CDM: Thank you so much, Cheryl. The pleasure is all mine and I appreciate the opportunity to share my story with your readers!

© 2011, Cheryl of Black Diamonds Book Reviews . All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, , Urban Image Magazine, or Cheryl's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week With An Author - Carolyn Moncel - Excerpt from 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover - September 6, 2011

Book Title:   Reasons to Leave a Lover – A Collection of Short Stories 

Author:  Carolyn Moncel

Publisher: Mondavé Publishing via CreateSpace

Date Published: September 5, 2011

ISBN-10: 1456339273

ISBN-13: 978-1456339272

Language:  English / BISAC:  FIC044000

Genre:  Contemporary Women’s Fiction

Read my review from Monday's post here:

5 Reasons to Leave a Lover - A Novella and Other Short Stories (EXCERPT)

Author Website:  / Author Blog:
Publisher Website:

Make sure to stop by tomorrow for my Interview with Carolyn Moncel!

© 2011, Cheryl of Black Diamond's Book Reviews. All Rights Reserved. If you are reading this on a site other than, Black Diamond's Book ReviewsUrban Image Magazine, or Cheryl's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Week With An Author - Carolyn Moncel - Review of 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover - A Collection of Short Stories - September 5, 2011

WEEK WITH AN AUTHOR  -   Carolyn Moncel!

First of all, I am very happy to have author Carolyn Moncel on Black Diamond's Book Reviews all Week for Week With An Author. The fact that she is on all week does not influence my review in any way.  My reviews are always my honest reflection of what I feel about a book.

Carolyn Moncel is not only a great author, but I am impressed with how thorough she is at giving me all the information I needed for this week!  She got everything to me so quickly and was such a pleasure to work with!

Make sure to stop in every day!  There will be a giveaway later in the week!
Today we will start with my review!

Book Title:   Reasons to Leave a Lover – A Collection of Short Stories 

Author:  Carolyn Moncel

Publisher: Mondavé Publishing via CreateSpace

Date Published: September 5, 2011

ISBN-10: 1456339273

ISBN-13: 978-1456339272

Language:  English / BISAC:  FIC044000

Genre:  Contemporary Women’s Fiction

Description:  In 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover, author Carolyn Moncel offers up a fresh batch of stories based on love and loss.  As singer/songwriter, Paul Simon so eloquently suggested in a famous song from the 1970s, there are many ways to leave a lover.  However, Moncel's characters demonstrate that the reasons for leaving in the first place are quite finite.  Encounters in Paris` Ellery and Julien Roulet return, picking up their lives after the short story, "Pandora`s Box Revisited."  This time the Roulets are involved in a love triangle, and along with two other couples, must explore how love relationships are affected and splinter due to abuse, ambivalence, deception, cheating and death. This bittersweet collection of tales proves that some breakups are necessary; while others are voluntary; and still others are simply destined and beyond anyone's control.

Print Format: Paperback

Book Dimensions: 7.8 x 5 x 0.3 inches

Number of Pages:  284

Book Price:  $13.99

Availability:,, Barnes&,,

Digital Format: KindleKindle DXKindle (2nd Generation)Kindle (1st Generation)Kindle for PCKindle for MacKindle for iPadKindle for iPhoneKindle for AndroidKindle for BlackBerry

File Size: 151 KB

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services

Language: English


Price:  $5.99


Contact: Carolyn Moncel

Author Website:  / Author Blog:

Facebook: /



Publisher Website:
Book Trailer:

My Review

Short stories can go either way for me.  It's always hard to tell whether or not I will like a book that is composed of short stories.  Sometimes they are so short that you just don't get enough to make a good story.  This was not the case for this book.  I felt satisfied after reading each story.  The stories were well written and complete.

Ellery had to deal with the all too common issue of being cheated on.  She had a feeling that her husband was cheating on her, but she tried to overlook all of the signs.  Then she tried to think of  reasons why he would do that.  She thought she let herself go too much, etc.   There was also a story about Leah, Steve and Cinnamon.  It's definitely not your normal story and I wasn't sure who Cinnamon was.  I had kind of an idea after I got into it.  It was a very cool style of writing.   Also there was a story about Herman and Beth.  It paints a picture of their life together.

Carolyn Moncel did an excellent job in making the characters seem real.  I felt like I was reading a true story.  Nothing seemed far fetched.   These are believable stories that were very thought provoking.  She really showed the emotions of the characters and really sends the message across about trusting your feelings.  I enjoyed every moment of this short story collection.  What are the 5 reasons to leave a lover?  You will have to read the book to see, but its not just because of infidelity.   Some things we just have no control over.

I would highly recommend this short story collection to everyone.   No matter who you are, these stories will make you think and maybe even make you reflect on your own life.

My Rating:
5/5 Diamonds - Highly Recommend!
Disclaimer:  My thoughts on this book were in no way influenced by the author or publicist. They are my personal reflections based solely on MY experience while reading this novel.

© 2011, Cheryl of Black Diamond's Book Reviews. All Rights Reserved. If you are reading this on a site other than, Black Diamond's Book ReviewsUrban Image Magazine, or Cheryl's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.