Monday, May 31, 2010
Club Dead (Sookie Stackhouse #3) by Charlaine Harris

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Mailbox Monday - May 31

I won this from Nan at http://lettersfromahillfarm.blogspot.com/
Thanks Nan!
From the cover:
That brash young woman called Lee Montgomery is no doubt marrying Charles Richardson for his money. That's the unequivocal conclusion of Sheila Malory's circle of friends. Despite their disapproval, Mrs. Malory answers Charle's plea for help when his unsuitable fiancee suddenly goes missing. Mrs. Malory, who is a no-nonsense English matron with a penchant for marmalade, ninteeth-century novels, and snooping, considers herself the quintessential reluctant amateur detective with a specialty in murder. Now, she feels chillingly sure that something dreadful has happened in this quiet seaside village of Taviscombe. It is her insatiable curiosity, after all, that leads her to discover the stranger waiting for the water's edge--and the shocking truths no one wants to face....

I won this author signed copy from Darlene at http://peekingbetweenthepages.blogspot.com/
Thanks Darlene. I got my book from the author which is signed "May all your small changes add up to a big difference!" Sheila
From Goodreads:

I won this from Kim Varner at http://metroreader.blogspot.com/
I saw this book when I was in Barnes & Noble one day and I was really hoping to win this won. It is so funny!
From Goodreads:
An you thawt we dint! Now Professor Happycat tells you what's in it and, from I HAS A HOTDOG.com and beyond, lets over 200 LOLdogs loose on the world, all barking the truth about kibble, toys, and bad kitties. This collection of favorites and never-before-seen photos will have you barking for more!
For all you hoomins, a LOLdog is a kay-nine picture with a funny, misspelled caption.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Fitness Friday Update #4 - May 28, 2010

2. Weight on 5/7/10: 178
3. Weight on 4/14/10: 175.5
Total: -down 4.5 pounds since last update but 6 pounds since last week!!!!!
Home Wrecker by Dwayne S. Joseph

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Teaser Tuesdays - May 24, 2010

- Grab your current read.
- Open to a random page.
- Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page.
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
- You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
I want you to go off on me. Go off on Steve. Wake the neighborhood. Give an Oscar-worthy performance. The next day, we'll meet and you'll give me the other half of the money. You'll be a free woman after that. P 36
I licked my lips and put my hands behind his head and guided him downtown. I closed my eyes and exhaled as his tongue slid inside of me. p 48
Monday, May 24, 2010
Library Loot - May 24, 2010

A Thousand Cuts by Simon Lelic
I don't know where I heard about this book, but it sounded good!

I just read Betrayal by Dwayne and it was really good, so I thought I would read another of his books. I found him on Goodreads and can't wait to read more of his books!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Betrayal by Dwayne S. Joseph
What this book is about:Zeke found out his wife was screwing around on him with another man from pictures that were mailed to him at his office. He was so pissed off. They were married for 34 years and she goes and does this to him. Also, he finds his son-in-law Sam screwing an intern. He decides that his wife Sapphire has to pay for what she has done, and his son-in-law has to pay for betrying his only daughter Jewell. He tells his son-in-law that he has to murder Sapphire. His son-in-law Sam is torn. He owes to much to Zeke. Zeke helped him get a job instead of turning him into the police and making him go to jail, but he doesn't want to cause the death of his mother-in-law.
My thoughts:
I found Dwyane Joseph on Goodreads and thought his book sounded really good and I bought it from Amazon. I really loved this book. I could feel the rage that Zeke had toward his wife for what she did to him. How could she betray him and just lie about it like there was nothing wrong. I also felt his wife's loneliness and her emotions as she was being satisfied by this other man. She met him in Barnes & Noble and he told her that for a price he could satisfy her since she isn't getting it from her husband.
This book was a page turner. I was shocked by how the story ended and it really made my stomach churn. I was on the edge of my seat! If you haven't read any books by Dwayne, you really should. I can't wait to read another one of his books!
I gave it 5 out of 5 stars!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
In My Mailbox

Spirit Bound (Vampire Academy #5) by Richelle Mead
ISBN: 9781595142504
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 489
Publish Date: 05/18/2010
Publisher: Razorbill
Language: English
"Dimitri gave Rose the ultimate choice. But she chose wrong…
After a long and heartbreaking journey to Dimitri’s birthplace in Siberia, Rose Hathaway has finally returned to St. Vladimir’s—and to her best friend, Lissa. It is nearly graduation, and the girls can’t wait for their real lives beyond the Academy’s iron gates to begin. But Rose’s heart still aches for Dimitri, and he's out there, somewhere.
She failed to kill him when she had the chance. And now her worst fears are about to come true. Dimitri has tasted her blood, and she knows in her heart that he is hunting her. And if Rose won't join him, he won't rest until he's silenced her...forever. "
Yeah! I ordered this from Overstock.com and I got it yesterday! It just came out and I am so excited to read this book. I just love this series. If you haven't read it, you should!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Teaser Tuesdays - May 18, 2010

- Grab your current read.
- Open to a random page.
- Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page.
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
- You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
The book that I am reading is Betryal by Dwayne S. Joseph
My teaser is: p 4
Zeke had received an anonymous package at his office.
A manila envelope with photographs of his wife fucking another man.
Giveaway from La Femme Readers
Giveaway from Daisy Chain Book Reviews

Monday, May 17, 2010
Giveaway from Simply Stacie - Pajamas!

Enter at:
Mailbox Monday, May 17, 2010

This is what I won!

Firefly Rain by Richard Dansky won from:
Brenda at The Wayfaring Writer A Journey in Reading & Writing found at: http://moonsanity.blogspot.com/
Thank you Brenda!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth, M.D.

I pretty much just skimmed through this book. A lot of it is advice for younger children. My 1 (almost 2) year old is a perfect sleeper. She acts tired, I put her in for a nap. She goes to bed at 8:00 at night, no fuss. My 8 year old is a different story. That is the main reason for reading this book. What I got from this pretty much is that if she can't fall asleep and never slept very good, she may need to seek a child psychologist (p.359). I am currently seeing a psychologist who says that my daughter's problem is lack of attention, so we are trying a different approach. I put the baby to bed first (which I hadn't been doing before). I read to my 8 year old and spend time with her for a 1/2 hour after my 1 year old goes to bed. I go in her bed and tickle her back and tell her stories that I make up. It is working better than anything else I have tried and her attitude has gotten way better.
The Pull of the Moon by Elizabeth Berg

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Crashed by Robin Wasserman

Friday, May 14, 2010
Fitness Friday Update #3 - May 14, 2010

I got serious this week! I had a chiropractor appointment on Monday. He has me taking AF Betafood for arm pain. He says the arm pain may be signaling a gallbladder problem. The AF Betafood is helping, so he confirmed that it is a gallbladder problem. He said it's good news that I know what is causing the problem, but bad news that I know what is causing the problem. He said I know what I need to do. I drink too much pop and eat too many sweets. Last time he told me how bad nutrasweet is--like a poison, so I stopped drinking Diet Pepsi and started drinking regular, but way too much of it. I have cut down to 2 a day. I have to have one first in thing in the morning and I have 1 at night.
After my appointment on Monday, I stopped by Weight Watchers since they were open for walk-in's all day. I weighed 178 and decided okay, time to get serious about this again. I got a kit with the fast foot companion and regular food companion. I also got a cookbook which I need to start using. I lost my book with my previous weights in it, but they gave me a new one since I haven't been there yet this year. Where did the time go? Last time I went I know I weighed 163.
I have been counting my points all week. I did eat out a Grandma's Tacos Wednesday night. I did bring my book in to look up what I should have. I had a taco salad, and yes I did eat the bowl. I counted the points. I didn't eat the salsa and chips that was served before the meal. Last night I ate 3 pieces of pizza and dipped it in garlic butter sauce and I did have an ice cream cone too. I went over in points, but today is a new day. I didn't do too bad. I am down to 175.5 since Monday! I haven't even been exercising either. Hopefully it gets warm and stops raining so I can start walking again!
1. Weight on 3/31/10: 172
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Teaser Tuesdays, May 11

TEASER TUESDAYS hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. asks you to:
- Grab your current read.
- Open to a random page.
- Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page.
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
- You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
My teaser: from Crashed by Robin Wasserman

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Library Loot - May 8, 2010

Crashed by Robin Wasserman

My friend Staci from Life in the Thumb recommended this book to me and I had to check it out right away. Actually, she told me I shouldn't read it because I may want to run away from home, but I am going to read it anyway!________________________________________________________

Now You Can Effectively Parent Your Strong-Willed Child
·Hold your ground without threatening
·Remove daily power struggles between you and your child
·Give clear, firm messages that your child understands and respects
·And much more!
"A highly recommended eye-opener; beautifully documented." —Stewart E. Teal, M.D., clinical professor of child psychiatry, University of California, Davis
I think I heard about this book from one of my friends on Facebook, so I had to check this one out too!

Catching Fire (Hunger Games #2) by Suzanne Collins
Friday, May 7, 2010
Darling Jim by Christian Moerk

When two sisters and their aunt are found dead in their suburban Dublin home, it seems that the secret behind their untimely demise will never be known. But then Niall, a young mailman, finds a mysterious diary in the post office’s dead-letter bin. From beyond the grave, Fiona Walsh shares the most tragic love story he’s ever heard—and her tale has only just begun.
Niall soon becomes enveloped by the mystery surrounding itinerant storyteller Jim, who traveled through Ireland enrapturing audiences and wooing women with his macabre mythic narratives. Captivated by Jim, townspeople across Ireland thought it must be a sad coincidence that horrific murders trailed him wherever he went—and they failed to connect that the young female victims, who were smitten by the newest bad boy in town, bore an all too frightening similarity to the victims in Jim’s own fictional plots.
The Walsh sisters, fiercely loyal to one another, were not immune to “darling” Jim’s powers of seduction, but found themselves in harm’s way when they began to uncover his treacherous past. Niall must now continue his dangerous hunt for the truth—and for the vanished third sister—while there’s still time. And in the woods, the wolves from Jim’s stories begin to gather.
For some reason, I am having trouble doing this review. I put the description in already and I don't want to give anything away.
I really liked this book. Niall was determined to read the diary and find clues to what happened to the sisters.
The Friday 56

- Grab the book nearest you right now.
- Turn to page 56.
- Find the fifth sentence.
- Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like).
- Post a link with your post to Storytime with Tonya and Friends.
Friday Fitness Update - #2 & Other things in my crazy life

Also, last week my daughter's dance teacher threw shoes at the kids during dance if they made a mistake. She takes competitive jazz and lyrical classes. Usually all of the parents just drop their kids off at 10:30 and pick them up at 12. We went to McDonald's afterward (yes, I had the high calorie angus bacon and cheeseburger and fries and coke), and she told me about the incident. I couldn't believe it. I found out from another parent that her kids said the same thing. I also found out that the dance teacher told them that their routine to the song "Think" was terrible and they would never make it to nationals. We had a parent meeting on Tuesday, and I was going to bring it up at the meeting, but I chickened out. I have a hard time with confrontation, but I did talk to the dance teacher afterward. She said it was like a game to the kids. She said they would make mistakes on purpose so she would throw dance shoes at them. My daughter said she threw tap shoes, but then I found out that she threatened to throw them, which is just as bad. I wrote the dance teacher a letter and sent it to her on facebook because I express myself better by the written word. This is what I said to her:
My daughter has dance tonight, so we will see what happens. I am a little afraid, but I have to learn to stand up for myself and my daughter. From now on I don't think I am going to leave her there alone. If there isn't another parent there, I am going to stay. It's just kind of hard taking a 1 year old because she likes to try to go out and dance too, but I will just have to see if someone can watch her while I stay at dance class since my husband works at night. I used to like the little bit of time to go out and do various things that I have to do, but looks like that's done. While I am there I can get some reading in though if I don't have my 1 year old with me which will be good. She has a competition on the 22nd of May and the 2nd week in July and then she will be done!!!!!!!! I will have to find a new studio for her to go to because she loves dance, but she is never doing competition again. All that makeup and stuff is just a pain in the ass. She needs to be a kid and just have fun. She wants to do cheerleading for the church basketball team next year which I am fine with.
1. Weight on 3/31/10: 172
2. Today's weight (5/7/10): 178
Total: Up 6 pounds
Goal weight: 140
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Wicked Wednesday - May 5, 2010

- WW28 A chance to showcase your favourite!
- First you grab our Wicked Wednesday pic.
- Then you grab a book. Turn to page 28. Take the first sentence.
- And then you post it in your site with a link back to WW28.
- Come back to Cherry Mischievous - WW28 and give us the url of your post (in a comment at a WW28 post) so that other WW28 readers can find your WW28 offering.

Darling Jim by Christian Moore
Dear unknown good friend. Please listen to me. I'm right here, and my time is short. To you I bequeath my story and all my tomorrows, for we will be dead soon. We'll die in this house because we loved a man named Jim without knowing his true nature. Listen carefully as I tell you what happened.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Teaser Tuesdays - May 4

TEASER TUESDAYS hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. asks you to:
- Grab your current read.
- Open to a random page.
- Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page.
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
- You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
My teaser:

Monday, May 3, 2010
Mailbox Monday, May 3

I had a very lucky week! This is what I received:
The Lovers by Vendela Vida
From Goodreads:
Yvonne, recently widowed and the mother of grown twins, returns to Datça, the coastal village in Turkey where she and her husband honeymooned 24 years ago. She hopes to immerse herself in the warm sand and sea, and in memories of a better time in her life. But her plans are quickly complicated. Her Turkish landlord and his bold and intriguing wife have a curious marital agreement and are constant visitors to the home. And rather than being comforted by her memories, they begin to trouble her.
Overwhelmed by her past and her environment, Yvonne clings to her newfound friendship with Ahmet, a young Turkish boy who sells shells at the local beach. With the boy as her guide, Yvonne gains new insight into her own grown children and begins to enjoy the shimmering sea and the relaxed pace of the Turkish coast. But a terrible accident throws her life into chaos, and her own sense of self into turmoil.
With the crystalline voice, mordant humor, and depth of feeling for which her work has been so celebrated, Vendela Vida has crafted another unforgettable heroine in a beautiful and mysterious landscape.
I received this uncorrected proof from Ecco Marketing through Shelf Awareness! I am excited to read this book!

This One is Mine by Maria Semple
From Goodreads:
Violet Parry is living the quintessential life of luxury in the Hollywood Hills with David, her rock-and-roll manager husband, and her darling toddler, Dot. She has the perfect life--except that she's deeply unhappy. David expects the world of Violet but gives little of himself in return. When she meets Teddy, a roguish small-time bass player, Violet comes alive, and soon she's risking everything for the chance to find herself again. Also in the picture are David's hilariously high-strung sister, Sally, on the prowl for a successful husband, and Jeremy, the ESPN sportscaster savant who falls into her trap. For all their recklessness, Violet and Sally will discover that David and Jeremy have a few surprises of their own. THIS ONE IS MINE is a compassionate and wickedly funny satire about our need for more--and the often disastrous choices we make in the name of happiness.
I won this from: Kristi at http://booksandneedlepoint.blogspot.com/. Thanks!

Spellbinder by Helen Stringer
From Goodreads:
Belladonna Johnson can see ghosts. It’s a trait she’s inherited from her mother’s side of the family, like blue eyes or straight hair. And it’s a trait she could do without, because what twelve-year-old wants to be caught talking to someone invisible?
It is convenient, though, after Belladonna’s parents are killed in a car accident. They can live with her the same as always, watching the same old TV shows in their same old house. Nothing has changed . . . until everything changes.
One night, with no warning, they vanish into thin air—along with every other ghost in the world. It’s what some people think ghosts are supposed to do, but Belladonna knows it’s all wrong. They may not be living, but they’re not supposed to be gone.
With the help of her classmate Steve, a master of sneaking and spying, Belladonna is left to uncover what’s become of the spirits and to navigate a whole world her parents have kept well-hidden. If she can’t find her way, she’ll lose them again—this time for good.
I won this book from the read-a-thon! The book I got has a different cover than the picture. It's a uncorrected proof. Sounds great! I think I picked a good one. There were a lot of books to pick from!

Descent into Dust by Jacqueline Lepore
From Goodreads:
The Extraordinary Adventures of Emma Andrews, Victorian Lady and Vampire Hunter
"Though it is many decades later, it all comes back to me; back to those early days when the terror was new and I was dangerously untrained. When I was young and did not yet know I had a secret . . ."
Twenty-five-year-old widow Emma Andrews grew up in the shadow of her mother's madness, so when she arrives at Dulwich Manor in the midst of a mysterious plague and soon thereafter begins to see specters, her family fears fate has finally caught up with her. But one guest among them knows Emma's visions are more than a trick of the mind. Valerian Fox has hunted the great vampire lord Marius through time and across continents, and he knows Emma has a remarkable destiny. She is Dhampir—a vampire hunter.
Surrounded by those who would use her powers for their own ends, Emma does not know who to trust or what she can believe. But when her young cousin is marked for death, she must embrace the terrible inheritance that lies in her very blood to save those she loves.
An extraordinary saga of courage, love, duty, and honor, of darkest destiny and ancient evil . . . and of the shadow of the Dracula himself. It begins.
I own an author signed copy of this book! I won this at: http://bittenbybooks.com/

From Goodreads:
Cure Your Food Cravings Once and For All
If sweets and high-fat foods are sabotaging your efforts to lose weight and get healthy, Dr. Neal Barnard has the solution to conquering your food addictions. Backed up by scientific research, Breaking the Food Seduction explains that your biochemistry, not your lack of willpower, is the problem. Dr. Barnard reveals the simple dietary and lifestyle changes that can break the stubborn cycle of cravings and make you free to choose healthy and tasty foods that can help to you lose weight, lower cholesterol, and improve your overall health.
Featuring a 3-week kickstart plan and 100 delicious, satisfying recipes
I bought this book because it sounded like the perfect book for me. I am having such trouble with my sugar cravings and they are getting worse. I am hoping this gives me advice to help me to reach my weight loss goals.
One More!
I have to add this because I went home for lunch and found this in my mailbox today (Tuesday)!

This is Why You're Fat by Jackie Warner
"Being fat isn't your fault; staying fat is." That's what Jackie Warner, America's favorite no-nonsense celebrity fitness trainer tells her own clients, and that's why no one delivers better results than Jackie does. Now for the first time, Jackie shares her revolutionary program, showing readers the best ways to drop pounds and inches fast, without grueling workouts or deprivation, and keep them off for good! Her two-tiered approach provides a complete nutritional makeover and a failure-proof condensed workout routine PLUS all the emotional support and encouragement you need to get to the finish line and beyond. With Jackie's core principles, you'll discover once and for all which behaviors are making you fat, and which can finally make you thin forever-and some may surprise you:
· ADDTO LOSE: In Jackie's 2-week jump start, no food is off-limits. You'll actually add food to your diet in order to lose weight.
· CHEATING IS ALLOWED: Eat clean for 5 days, and then indulge in whatever you want over the weekend!
· FAT IS NOT THE ENEMY: Fat doesn't make you fat; sugar does! Nothing you eat should contain over 9 grams of sugar
· SKIP THE CRUNCHES: They just build muscle under the fat. Discover the fastest way to burn calories, tone muscle, and spark your metabolism for rapid fat loss
· LESS (EXERCISE) IS MORE: Workouts shouldn't take over your day-give Jackie 20-minutes and you'll see results.
Find out today why THIS IS WHY YOUR FAT (AND HOW TO GET THIN FOREVER) is your first and last stop on the way to the new fit and healthy you!